Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bible Lesson on Reputation

Start lesson by showing a picture of  different animals or fruit and get them to name the reputation of each of those by looking at a list of words. (Put these words on board:  cuddly and cute, loyal, slow, stubborn, sloppy, ferocious man-eater and healthy.)

Present Bible memory verse:  Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.  Proverbs 20:11.

Ask if anyone knows what the word "reputation" means.  (What people think of someone because of their attitude, actions or what they say.)

* What would you do if some of your friends at school wanted you try a cigarette?  What would your first reaction be?

* What about something not as harmful to you such as watching a movie or a television show that your parents don't want you to see?  Would you immediately say no. 

What we do during times like these gives us a reputation, either good or bad.  If we give in and do what is wrong, our reputation for doing good is weak.  If we easily say no and stand firm for what is right we build a strong reputation for doing good.

One story in our Bible that I always think of when I think of someone with a reputation for doing good is found in Daniel 1: 1-21.  (Have someone read this out loud)

Discussion Questions:

1)  Why did the servant want Daniel and his companions to eat the king's food?
(So they would be strong and healthy like the others)

2)  Because he didn't want to eat or drink anything unclean, what did Daniel ask to be served instead?
(Vegetables and water)

3)  How did Daniel prove he and his companions didn't need to eat the king's food?
(After a 10 day test, they were stronger and looked better than those who ate the kings food)

4)  How was Daniel rewarded because he had a strong reputation for honoring God?
(He was given knowledge and wisdom and allowed to serve before the king)

5)  In Daniel's time certain foods were considered unclean and forbidden.  What kind of things do we have in our life today that might be considered unclean and forbidden?

Have everyone think of ways that we can build a strong reputation for doing good. 

A reputation is built by doing something over and over.  If you do what is right over and over, you build a reputation for doing good.  If you do what is not right over and over, you build a reputation for doing what is wrong.  The stronger your reputation is for doing what is right, the closer you will feel to God and the easier it will be to continue doing what is right.  Also, others will see you as a strong Christian, someone they can look up to.  Daniel's reputation was obvious that in whatever situation he found himself, he would honor God and let anything evil become a part of his life.  We can all learn a valuable lessonf rom Daniel about building a stong and Godly reputation.


  1. thanks for a usable, helpful lesson for my sunday school class
