Our lesson today focuses on another great even that changed our world. We first learned about Adam and Eve and how they sinned by doing the one thing God told them not to do. And how easy it is to be tempted by Satan to do things that God does not want us to do. Our next lesson was on Noah and the flood and how Noah must of had a lot of faith to build the ark. Even though Noah had never seen rain he had faith to do what God was asking him to do. How many of us have that same amount of faith? We also talked about ways that we can build our faith.
Today we are going to be learning about the Tower of Babel. We find this event in Genesis 11: 1-9.
After the flood the people began to think that they wanted to be like God. So they decided to build a tower that would reach to heaven. In the tower they would be able to study the stars and figure out how to get to heaven without God's help. I guess they thought this would make them equal to God. There are still people today that are trying to get into heaven on their own. How do some people do this? Can we save ourselves? I'm sure there will be so called good people in hell because God is the only way to heaven.
God also wants us to build our lives the way He wants us to. How can we know what God wants for us? Let's read I Corinthians 3: 10-11. This is Paul talking. What type of building is Paul talking about?
He is not talking about a real building, he is talking about our life. When you are building a house the first thing you work on is the foundation. What did Paul say should be our foundation for our life? All buildings need a solid foundation or they will fall. This means that Jesus is the only one we can trust to save us from our sins and help us to live our life the way that He wants us to live our life. What is a bad foundation for our life? (thinking that we don't need Jesus and we can just be good and that will get us into Heaven. This will only get us into Hell.) We need to remember to trust Jesus to lead us in our life.
Our Bible verse that I would like for all of us to remember is:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-6.
In our lesson today we learn that God wants us to be humble. What does humble mean? (not having selfish pride -- being obedient to God and letting Him rule our lives)
Game Card Questions:
1) At the beginning of the story how many languages were on the earth? (1)
2) Why do you think they wanted to build the Tower? (to make a name for themselves and to reach God on their own)
3) Do you think God was pleased with them for building the Tower? (no, he wasn't unhappy with them because they were building a tall building. It was because they were trying to be better than God)
4) What did God do to them that showed that he was not happy? (He showed them His power by having them speak different languages)
5) What should be the foundation for our life?
6) What is a bad foundation for our life?
7) What is our Bible verse for tonight?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For our study tonight we will be learning about Noah.
Noah was a God fearing man who lived during a time of a lot of sin. People were worshipping other gods and idols. Do we see that today? Can you think of some idols or gods that people have? We can see that the prayers of only one faithful man kept God from wiping out all humans.
Read Genesis 6: 9 - 22
Why do you think that God saved Noah and his family?
(in verse 9 we read that Noah walked with God)
Noah had faith in God. Even though Noah had never seen rain God told him to build an ark and he did it. How many times do we feel like God is telling us to do something and we may doubt that he really wants us to do that. Do you ever feel like God is telling you to do something?
God also told him starting with verse 14 how God wanted him to build the ark. Isn't it great that God will be there for us even in the smallest details. Nothing is too small for God.
The ark was huge. 300 cubits would be equal to 450 feet long. I think a football field is around 360 feet so you can see that the ark was bigger than a football field.
It only mentions the ark having one door. (Verse 16) I think this is interesting because God is the only way. It says in John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
In verse 19 it mentions that Noah was to bring two of all living animals. Do you think it was hard for Noah to get the animals?
I have mentioned already that Noah was a man of faith. Being faithful leads to obedience and obedience will bring blessings from God.
Read Proverbs 28:20
But you know, being faithful is not always easy. Temptations come along and sometimes it is hard to be faithful when we are tempted. Can you think of some things that tempt you? It's easy to be tempted by many things and unfortunately that will not change the older you get, it will just be different temptations.
Being faithful means making conscious choices to follow God. It means standing up for our faith when people make fun of us for our faith. It's easy to become distracted by other things and not following God as closely as we could. What are some things that distract us? Everybody is different in what tempts them. It is important for us to learn what tempts us so we can become proactive about our temptation.
How can we become proactive about our temptations:
1) Recognize what tempts us
2) Pray about the temptation
3) avoid the temptation
4) Read our Bible (the Bible is there for us to use for our guidance) One verse I can think of that will help us is 1 Corinthians 10:13. While you're reading your Bible daily look for verses that will help you in the areas you are tempted in.
5) Use the buddy system. If you have a good friend or teacher that you can talk to, let them know your temptation so you can be accountable to them. Tell them to ask you how you're doing in that area of your life.
6) You need to really believe that God is there for you and will help you in your temptation. If you normally say "That's too hard" or "I'll never be able to do that." Remember that God can do ANYTHING. Start saying things like, " God can help me overcome this" or "It's not too hard for God."
7) Know your alternatives. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 we learned that God can show us how to escape from our temptations. If you have identified your temptations then learn your alternatives so you don't fall to your temptation.
8) Know it's not the end of the world if you do allow yourself to be tempted. We all make mistakes and God has offered us His forgiveness if we only ask for it. Read 1 John 1: 8-9.
You know, I bet Noah had lots of problems with people making fun of him for his faith. He was out there building this boat bigger than a football field and warning people of a flood. They had never seen it rain before so they could not comprehend how it could flood. I'm sure they were laughing at him but Noah remained faithful to God. How hard do you think that was for Noah?
Game Card Questions:
1) What book of the Bible can we find the story of Noah? (Genesis)
2) Why do you think God saved Noah and his family? (Because he walked with God)
3) Who was suppose to go on the ark with Noah?
4) How big was the ark?
5) Name one way we can try to avoid temptations.
Noah was a God fearing man who lived during a time of a lot of sin. People were worshipping other gods and idols. Do we see that today? Can you think of some idols or gods that people have? We can see that the prayers of only one faithful man kept God from wiping out all humans.
Read Genesis 6: 9 - 22
Why do you think that God saved Noah and his family?
(in verse 9 we read that Noah walked with God)
Noah had faith in God. Even though Noah had never seen rain God told him to build an ark and he did it. How many times do we feel like God is telling us to do something and we may doubt that he really wants us to do that. Do you ever feel like God is telling you to do something?
God also told him starting with verse 14 how God wanted him to build the ark. Isn't it great that God will be there for us even in the smallest details. Nothing is too small for God.
The ark was huge. 300 cubits would be equal to 450 feet long. I think a football field is around 360 feet so you can see that the ark was bigger than a football field.
It only mentions the ark having one door. (Verse 16) I think this is interesting because God is the only way. It says in John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
In verse 19 it mentions that Noah was to bring two of all living animals. Do you think it was hard for Noah to get the animals?
I have mentioned already that Noah was a man of faith. Being faithful leads to obedience and obedience will bring blessings from God.
Read Proverbs 28:20
But you know, being faithful is not always easy. Temptations come along and sometimes it is hard to be faithful when we are tempted. Can you think of some things that tempt you? It's easy to be tempted by many things and unfortunately that will not change the older you get, it will just be different temptations.
Being faithful means making conscious choices to follow God. It means standing up for our faith when people make fun of us for our faith. It's easy to become distracted by other things and not following God as closely as we could. What are some things that distract us? Everybody is different in what tempts them. It is important for us to learn what tempts us so we can become proactive about our temptation.
How can we become proactive about our temptations:
1) Recognize what tempts us
2) Pray about the temptation
3) avoid the temptation
4) Read our Bible (the Bible is there for us to use for our guidance) One verse I can think of that will help us is 1 Corinthians 10:13. While you're reading your Bible daily look for verses that will help you in the areas you are tempted in.
5) Use the buddy system. If you have a good friend or teacher that you can talk to, let them know your temptation so you can be accountable to them. Tell them to ask you how you're doing in that area of your life.
6) You need to really believe that God is there for you and will help you in your temptation. If you normally say "That's too hard" or "I'll never be able to do that." Remember that God can do ANYTHING. Start saying things like, " God can help me overcome this" or "It's not too hard for God."
7) Know your alternatives. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 we learned that God can show us how to escape from our temptations. If you have identified your temptations then learn your alternatives so you don't fall to your temptation.
8) Know it's not the end of the world if you do allow yourself to be tempted. We all make mistakes and God has offered us His forgiveness if we only ask for it. Read 1 John 1: 8-9.
You know, I bet Noah had lots of problems with people making fun of him for his faith. He was out there building this boat bigger than a football field and warning people of a flood. They had never seen it rain before so they could not comprehend how it could flood. I'm sure they were laughing at him but Noah remained faithful to God. How hard do you think that was for Noah?
Game Card Questions:
1) What book of the Bible can we find the story of Noah? (Genesis)
2) Why do you think God saved Noah and his family? (Because he walked with God)
3) Who was suppose to go on the ark with Noah?
4) How big was the ark?
5) Name one way we can try to avoid temptations.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What does the word deceive mean?
Read Matthew 7: 13-14
Are most people NOT DECEIVED or DECEIVED?
Let's read II Timothy 3: 12-17
Where can we find the truth?
Read II John 7
How many deceivers should we expect?
Now we are going to start our study on the first person that was deceived. (Not including the angels that were deceived by Satan, even prior to the creation of man.)
Read II Corinthians 11:3
Who was deceived?
Who deceived her?
If Eve could be deceived, can we be deceived too?
If we go back to Genesis Chapter 1 we see "GOD SAID... AND IT WAS SO" Everything God said came to pass.
If we continue on to Chapter 2, we learn that God said something that was very important.. Read Genesis 2:17.
God told us that sin brings certain death.
Read Genesis 3:1 What are the first words the deceiver said? The devil wanted Eve to doubt God's word. Does he ever do that to us?
But not only does Satan want us to doubt God's word he also wants us to deny God's word. Read Genesis 3:4.
Who did Eve believe?
Read Genesis 3:6 So, first Eve doubted God, then she denied God and then she got Adam to join her.
Let's read I Timothy 2:14.
Was Eve deceived?
Was Adam deceived?
Eve was tricked into doing somthing by Satan but not Adam. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he followed her anyway. Do you think it is easier to not follow along with someone or to follow someone?
When Satan tricked Eve he told her that she would be like God. I don't think that people want to be God as much as they don't want God to be God. They don't want God to have the final authority over them.
Read I Samuel 8: 5. It is not that the people wanted to be kings, but the real issue was that they did not want God to "R_____________O______________T_________________ (Samuel 8:7)
During Tribulation men and women will elect a man to be God (II Thessalonians 2: 3-4) This will be Satan's man. He will set himself up as God and will demand worshipo from everyone. Instead of believing the truth, men will be deceived into believing the live.
II Thessalonians 2: 10 What will men not receive?
II Thessalonians 2:12 What will men not believe?
II Thessalonians 2:11 What will men believe?
II Thessalonians 2:10 Will they be deceived?
So the lie is that a creature can take the place of God. And the truth is "no one can take God's place. He alone is the creator.
How can I keep from being deceived?
God does not deceive. He always tells the truth. We need to stay in His word.
One person I will mention that was in the Bible that was not deceived was Mary. When God spoke to her she believed His word (Luke 1: 30-38) She did not understand what God said, but she believed it and she said, "Let it be unto me according to _______________ _________________ (Lukie 1:38)
Read Matthew 7: 13-14
Are most people NOT DECEIVED or DECEIVED?
Let's read II Timothy 3: 12-17
Where can we find the truth?
Read II John 7
How many deceivers should we expect?
Now we are going to start our study on the first person that was deceived. (Not including the angels that were deceived by Satan, even prior to the creation of man.)
Read II Corinthians 11:3
Who was deceived?
Who deceived her?
If Eve could be deceived, can we be deceived too?
If we go back to Genesis Chapter 1 we see "GOD SAID... AND IT WAS SO" Everything God said came to pass.
If we continue on to Chapter 2, we learn that God said something that was very important.. Read Genesis 2:17.
God told us that sin brings certain death.
Read Genesis 3:1 What are the first words the deceiver said? The devil wanted Eve to doubt God's word. Does he ever do that to us?
But not only does Satan want us to doubt God's word he also wants us to deny God's word. Read Genesis 3:4.
Who did Eve believe?
Read Genesis 3:6 So, first Eve doubted God, then she denied God and then she got Adam to join her.
Let's read I Timothy 2:14.
Was Eve deceived?
Was Adam deceived?
Eve was tricked into doing somthing by Satan but not Adam. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he followed her anyway. Do you think it is easier to not follow along with someone or to follow someone?
When Satan tricked Eve he told her that she would be like God. I don't think that people want to be God as much as they don't want God to be God. They don't want God to have the final authority over them.
Read I Samuel 8: 5. It is not that the people wanted to be kings, but the real issue was that they did not want God to "R_____________O______________T_________________ (Samuel 8:7)
During Tribulation men and women will elect a man to be God (II Thessalonians 2: 3-4) This will be Satan's man. He will set himself up as God and will demand worshipo from everyone. Instead of believing the truth, men will be deceived into believing the live.
II Thessalonians 2: 10 What will men not receive?
II Thessalonians 2:12 What will men not believe?
II Thessalonians 2:11 What will men believe?
II Thessalonians 2:10 Will they be deceived?
So the lie is that a creature can take the place of God. And the truth is "no one can take God's place. He alone is the creator.
How can I keep from being deceived?
God does not deceive. He always tells the truth. We need to stay in His word.
One person I will mention that was in the Bible that was not deceived was Mary. When God spoke to her she believed His word (Luke 1: 30-38) She did not understand what God said, but she believed it and she said, "Let it be unto me according to _______________ _________________ (Lukie 1:38)
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