Saturday, July 20, 2013

Planning High School Part 2

Well, yesterday was finally the day to get some of my plans down on paper or should I say computer.  Last year I discovered homeschool tracker.  I have opted to use the free version of homeschool tracker and so far it does everything I need it to do.

On their website this is what they say about the basic homeschool tracker:
  • Basic Edition Never Expires
  • Upgrade to PLUS at any time
  • Easy Setup
  • Track Attendance and Hours
  • Manage, Copy and Reschedule Assignments
  • Track Resources
  • Generate Reports
I love how easy it was to set up and after you have put in the books you will be using for each subject and determined your school year it is really very easy and quick to plan out for each week.  I also like the fact that I can print off the assignment sheets for each week.  Every Saturday I check to see if I need to add anything to the lesson plans for the next week and then I print off the assignment sheets.  Abbie will put this in the front of  her notebook and then everyday check off her assignments.  I will then take the assignment sheet to the computer and after I have graded all of her work I will put all of this into homeschool tracker.  It is easy to generate reports and also keep up with her attendance record.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I-Pod Arm Band

 I discovered Pinterest and I found the best thing that I can't wait to try.  Here's the link to the amazing design to hold my i-pod while I jog.  I-Pod Armband

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Planning High School Part I

In just a few short weeks our youngest daughter will begin high school!  Okay, first of all I have to say where did the time go????  And then after I have a small little breakdown I have to sit down and start planning 9th grade.   Back in April I joined The Homeschool Magazine and let me say that was one of the best decisions I ever made!  I was able to download a planner for the high school years which looks like it will be great and very user friendly!

 I also have access to so many e-books from The Homeschool Magazine website which have proved very helpful.  I had actually signed up to receive a tote bag as my free gift when I joined The Homeschool Magazine but they were out of stock and they graciously offered to let me have all of the e-books in their library as a gift instead.  It took me just a little bit of time to figure out how to download the e-books from my computer and put them on my Nook Tablet but it really wasn't that hard and if you want to know how just leave me a message and I'll write a post on that.

The Homeschool Magazine also has lots of different teacher led courses ranging from sewing to Hebrew to geography and many many more.  I can't wait to utilize many of these classes during the next year.

I have only scratched the surface of what The Old Homeschool Magazine website has to offer.  But I do know that joining this year has been one of the best decisions I have made so far in our high school journey.

Please stay tuned to my next post on how I planned 9th grade.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Getting Started With Spanish by William Linney and Antonio Orta

We are almost finished using this wonderful Spanish curriculum called Getting Started With Spanish by William Linney and Antonia Orta.  After ordering the book you can go to their website and download the audible MP3 files which will enable you to be able to listen to a native speaker so you are able to use the correct pronunciation for each word.  The book consists of 177 short lessons which make it great to use during one year in your homeschool.  In the back of the book you have the answer keys for each school day as well as a pronunciation guide and a glossary.  Every day Abbie would learn the new word or words for the lesson and complete the exercise questions for the lesson.  The lessons were easy to implement as they averaged about thirty minutes time for each lesson.  I highly recommend this book for beginning Spanish lessons.