I am starting this blog to hopefully be accountable to the different things I want to accomplish in 2010. My first thought this year is I want to grow closer to Jesus. Last year I was able to read the Bible through during the year and this year I want to do the same but I want to go deeper in my study. Today my reading came from Genesis 1 and 2 and Psalms 1. Psalms is always an uplifting book to me. I've also started a study on different stories from the Bible. Today I read from Numbers 12, the story about Miriam: Leprous as snow.
One of my other goals is to become more organized. I have started following Flylady and will incorporate some of her ideas into my daily life. Today we are in Zone 1: entrance, front porch and dining room. This will be a short stay in this zone this month since we are only going to be here for one day this month. I am making sure that I have a shiny sink at the end of the day and that my next days clothes are laid out. Hopefully, by following Flylady, by the end of the year I will have an organized and clean house.
My next goal is to learn how to decorate cakes. I will not be working on this goal every day but I do plan to work on it monthly. I will be looking for the ultimate from scratch cake recipe and also learn how to decorate the cakes. I plan on doing this one with Abbie and we will incorporate this into her homeschool. I think it will be fun to look at the pictures of cakes that I have attempted to make at the end of the year and see if there is any improvement.
I also plan to use this blog to update our homeschooling experience. I think it will be fun to be able to look back at different things we have learned and some pictures of some of our fun days. I love being able to homeschool Abbie and spend quality time with her.
And, of course, I want to continue my exercise plan that I started last year. I started jogging last year and when the weather is better I hope to continue that. But until then I plan on using the Wii Fit Plus and staying in shape. I am able to jog with the Wii Fit plus and I have also started doing step aerobics and really enjoyed that too. Last year I was able to lose around 35 pounds and keep it off. I don't need to lose anymore weight but I hope to get in better shape this year.
I'm sure this blog will also consist of some of my days at work since I work out of the home part-time.
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