Saturday, May 1, 2010

Daniel 4 Nebuchadnezzar's Judgment

This morning we are going to continue our study in Daniel. 

Let's start off by reading Daniel 4: 1-3
Do you think this is the way that King Nebuchadnezzar began all of his proclamations?

Read Daniel 4: 4-5

Nebuchadnezzar's prior dream in Daniel 2 troubled him so that he could not sleep but this dream terrified him.  Have you ever had a dream where you were just scared? 

Did you notice how many times he used the personal pronouns:  my, I and mine?  He seems to be very self centered.

Read Daniel 4: 6-7
This is the same group of wise men that could not interpret his dream before.  Why do you think he ask them first instead of Daniel?    Again, the wise men could not interpret the dream.

Read Daniel 4: 8-9
What does this suggest about the reason Daniel was not consulted first?  (It seems that Daniel took his time coming before the king.)
* Why do you think he delayed?  (It allowed the power of God to be shown after the others had failed.  And maybe Daniel was annoyed for not being specifically called in first by the king)

Read Daniel 4: 10-17

Does this sound like a dream that would terrify you?   What do you think this tree represented?  (since Nebuchadnezzar was the worldly star in the dream mentioned in Daniel 2 it would be easy to see that this great tree represented him)
*Do you think the wisemen really couldn't interpret the dream or did they want Daniel to be the one to bring the bad news?
* I think that Nebuchadnezar knew this dream was about him because I don't see where this would have scared him unless he thought it was about him.

Read Daniel 4: 19
Daniel is now terrified by the dream.  Nebuchadnezzar has become a friend to Daniel and I'm sure it was hard for Daniel to tell him what this dream meant.  I think Daniel is reluctant to tell Nebuchadnezzar what the dream means but he decides that is the best way.

Read Daniel 4: 20-26
Daniel knows that this dream has both good and bad news.  Why does he start with the good news first?
* Does this dream give Nebuchadnezzar hope?  (Yes, in verse 26 he is told that his kingdom will be restored when he acknowledges God.)

Read Daniel 4:27
Daniel gave some unsolicted advice in this verse -- repent.What does Daniel's advice teach us about God? (God does not desire to hurt us, He wants us to willingly obey him.)
* Nebuchadnezzar had previously acknowledged God of Heaven in Daniel 2: 47 and Daniel 3:28-29.  Why hasn't the lking already made the statemnts that God requires? (this really gets to the heart of the matter -- God is not looking for us to say the right things, He is looking for us to do the right things) 

Read Daniel 4: 28-31
How long did God give Nebuchadnezzar to repent?  (one year)  Nebuchadnezzar needed to understand that life is not about us but about God.  And when we follow His rules about being kind to others that brings glory to God.

Read Daniel 4:32-37
All that was prophesied happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.  (I'll read verse 36 again)  Do you think that King Nebuchadnezzar learned his lesson?   Why do you think that God keeps sending these dreams to Nebuchuchadnezzar that end up honoring him and glorifying him?  Nebuchadnezzar was a very successful man and in the end he did do what he needed to do.  He did finally acknowledge God as the source of his success. 

How do you handle the success in your life?  Do you claim responsibility for it or do you get proud?  Or do you give God the glory?

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